How to blog with wisdom 3 inter-connected concepts

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How to blog with wisdom 3 inter-connected concepts

I think you’ll agree with me when I say that knowledge, in itself, is NOT power. It’s only when you apply the correct knowledge or learning to achieve a specific goal that you move towards success.

But some people argue that knowledge is the key to success. I think knowledge is just information that you have consumed, understood, and passed on to the next person.

To know or not to know………….

“To know, is to know that you know nothing. That is the meaning of true knowledge”.


3 inter-connected concepts

There are three inter-connected concepts that can be used and explained: knowledge, applied learning and wisdom.

Although these concepts are connected, they all demonstrate a different level of understanding and experience with a subject matter.

Knowledge – the truth

Is knowledge really power? Knowledge is just information that you have gathered by reading books, studying and learning.

However, knowing a vast amount of information doesn’t make you a “success”. Perhaps that’s why brilliant quizzers don’t know everything! They’re only scraping the barrel of knowledge and understanding.

Apply your learning

Applied learning is the key to success because once you’ve applied what you have learned, and put theory into practice, then you’ve demonstrated ‘applied learning’.

Furthermore, you could say ‘applied learning’ goes beyond knowledge and understanding, as it puts knowledge into practical use.

Blogging with wisdom

Blogging with wisdom means writing about your personal views, perspectives and experiences of a topic or problem. This means your blog is not just general information, but has real credibility.

Although there is nothing wrong with knowledge, your own stories and insights are what makes the content of your blog unique and interesting to read. 

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Blogging with wisdom means applying useful knowledge or content and using it to make ‘wise’ decisions. By sharing your own experience of this ‘subject’, your blog will take on a new dimension.

And as you continue to apply more of what you’ve learned in books, podcasts and blogs; you can share your own personal insights and perspectives on how useful these learnings are.